Andrzej Wolski, Cockcroft Inst. and U. Liverpool (IPAC'14 OC Chair) Osamu Kamigaito, RIKEN
Gianluigi Arduini, CERN Dinakar Kanjilal, IUAC
Deepa Angal-Kalinin, STFC/ASTeC Dewi Lewis, GE HealthCare and CERN
Oliver Boine-Frankenheim, GSI Mats Lindroos, ESS
Mark Boland, ASCo Gwo-Huei Luo, NSRRC
Hans Braun, PSI Peter Michel, HZDR
Oliver Bruening, CERN Anke-Susanne Mueller, KIT
Alex Chao, SLAC Olivier Napoly, CEA
Yu-Jiuan Chen, LLNL Katsunobu Oide, KEK
Hartmut Eickhoff, GSI Luigi Palumbo, INFN
John Erickson, LANL Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, CERN
Angeles Faus-Golfe, IFIC Paolo Pierini, INFN LASA
Steve Gourlay, LBNL Montse Pont, CELLS/ALBA
Susanna Guiducci, INFN, Qing Qin, IHEP
Stuart Henderson, FNAL Rüdiger Schmidt, CERN
Georg Hoffstaetter, Cornell Mike Seidel, PSI
Andrew Hutton, JLAB (IPAC'15 OC Chair) Kay Wittenburg, DESY
Kevin Jones, ORNL Zhentang Zhao, SINAP (IPAC'13 OC Chair)
In Soo Ko, POSTECH  



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Important Dates

June 15 – 20, 2014
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference

IPAC'14 is a Europhysics Conference
EPS – European Physical Society
Scientific Contact

Please contact Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz regarding all requests for the scientific program and the abstract submission.

Agency / Contact
Intercom  GmbH
Intercom GmbH
/ Germany