The online delegate registration is now open, please click here to start the registration.


Delegate registration fees

Early Registration Fees
until Monday, April 14, 2014
560,00 €
Late Fee
from Tuesday, April 15, 2014
660,00 €

Accompanying Person Fee

Accompanying person 130,00 €


Items covered by the Registration Fee

  • Conference documentation
  • Conference Banquet
  • Welcome reception
  • Conference reception
  • Coffee breaks

Registration fees are due for all participants, including invited speakers, chairpersons and students.

Payment information

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card
  • Bank Transfer
  • All bank charges must be paid by the sender.
  • Indicate clearly the name of the participant and IPAC'14 in the concept of the bank payment.

Admission to the Conference

Admission to the conference is granted only upon receipt of the registration fee. Delegates who have made late payments should bring a proof of payment to the conference on registration.


To reorder accommodations, side events or accompanying partners programs, please start the delegate registration via the JACoW website.
The external registration system will remember you and automatically assigns the new order to your existing registration account.

Cancellation of registration and refunds

Registration fees (less € 25 to cover cancellations costs) will be refunded for cancellations up to April 25, 2014. In case of cancellation until May 30, 2014 we charge 50% of the registration fee plus 25 € cancellation costs. Cancellations after May 30, 2014 are not refundable. All refunds will be settled within 6 weeks after the congress.

Refunds will be made by credit card or bank transfer, depending on the original payment method.


We want inform you that June 19, 2014 is holiday in the most federal states of Germany. For this reason the hotels in will be fully booked in this time. Please reserve your hotel together your registration as soon as possible.



The pictures of the IPAC'14 are now online.

view gallery

Important Dates

June 15 – 20, 2014
5th International Particle Accelerator Conference

IPAC'14 is a Europhysics Conference
EPS – European Physical Society
Scientific Contact

Please contact Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz regarding all requests for the scientific program and the abstract submission.

Agency / Contact
Intercom  GmbH
Intercom GmbH
/ Germany